
Merit Pupil Referral Service

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Who's Who

Senior Leadership Team 

Mrs S Whiteley - Co-Teacher in Charge 

Mr S Winrow - Co-Teacher in Charge 

Mrs J Matthews - Business and Operations Manager 

Middle Leader

Mrs K O' Keefe - Humanities and Alternative Curriculum Lead


Strategic Lead

Mr A Kenny - Curriculum Leader of Maths (PRU and Hospital School)

Teaching Staff - Pupil Referral Unit

Mrs S Whiteley - English

Mrs H Whyman - Peripatetic SEND Teacher

Mrs A Mellor - English 

Mr S Winrow - Mathematics

Mrs K O'Keefe - History / Geography / RE / PHSE / ACHIEVE / Outdoor Learning

Mr A Kenny - Mathematics

Mrs G Evans - Science

Mrs J Warrington - ICT

Mrs H Atherton - Music Teacher

Mr L Twyford - Music Teacher



Teaching Staff - Staffordshire Children's Hospital at Royal Stoke

Mrs A Bleackley - Hospital Teacher

Mrs H Whyman - Peripatetic SEND Teacher

Mrs D Mills-Farmer - Hospital Teacher

Mrs G Evans - Hospital Teacher

Mr A Kenny - Hospital Teacher

Mrs J Warrington - Hospital Teacher

Teaching and Learning Support Staff

Mr K Shaw - Teaching and Learning Assistant

Mrs A Russell - Teaching and Learning Assistant

Mrs K Ball - Teaching and Learning Assistant

Mr C Turfrey - Teaching and Learning Assistant

Mrs C Sherwen - Teaching and Learning Assistant

Miss F Tams - Teaching and Learning Assistant

Mrs J Massey - Teaching and Learning Assistant

Miss K Carson - Teaching and Learning Assistant

Mr D Spencer - Teaching and Learning Assistant

Therapeutic Team

Mr M Hamilton - Behaviour and Wellbeing Manager, Mental Health Lead

Mrs T Allen - NSCHT Senior Cognitive Behavioural Therapist / Psychological Therapist

Mrs A Russell - Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

Business Support Staff

Miss K Stanaway - Senior Admin and Finance Assistant

Mrs S Bate - Senior Admin and Finance Assistant / Invigilator

Mrs D Heath - Administration Officer

Mr M Waddington - ICT Technician

Education Welfare Officer

Mrs D Inskip-Clarkson


Skills and Employability Service 

Ms S Precious - Careers Adviser



Mrs A Barker - Kitchen Co-ordinator



Mrs A Barker 
