Monday 17th May to Friday 21st May
Hi KS3
Please have a go at the following tasks, continuing your study of Gothic Literature.
You will continue work on the ‘Frankenstein’ extract that we have been looking at in class. Use the PPTs to help guide you through the tasks:
You will also find some Oak Academy lessons to work through below if you complete the above tasks.
You may type your work if you would prefer or simply write your answers on lined paper. Please e-mail me your work when you have finished at: before the end of Thursday 20th May.
Year 8
Please complete the two lessons below on Grammar for writing. Make a note of any new vocabulary and complete all tasks. Please e-mail me your work at: Remember to have a go at the quiz to assess your knowledge and screenshot your results to send to me with your work please.
Grammar for writing: sentence construction
This lesson will revise some core grammar rules, focusing on sentence construction, fluency and accuracy. In this unit, we will write with a focus on expressing and articulating ideas as clearly and effectively as possible. You will need a pen and paper.
Grammar for writing: mastering confused words
This lesson, we will build our confidence with commonly confused words and homophones that often cause misconceptions. We will try to master some of the rules to help you write with maximum accuracy.
Year 9
Please complete the two lessons below on 'Frankenstein'. Make a note of new vocabulary and ideas. Complete all questions and tasks and e-mail me your work at: Don't forget to complete the quiz to assess your knowledge and send me the screenshots of your results please.
Creation of Frankenstein and the 'Uncanny'
In this lesson, we will look at Mary Shelley and her inspiration for her famous novel Frankenstein and read a section from the story to apply our knowledge of “The Uncanny”. Then, we will end on a quiz exploring what you have learned.
Analysing language in Frankenstein
In this lesson, we will look at the famous novel Frankenstein and read a section from the story to apply our language analysis skills in particular focusing on using analytical phrasing when writing up our responses. Then, we will end on a quiz exploring what you have learned.
Mrs M
Monday 1st February – Friday 5th February
The Tempest – William Shakespeare
You will need to have access to the full text of ‘The Tempest’ – here is a link to an electronic copy if you do not have one at home:
Please complete the following lessons:
Abuse of power: Caliban – Victim or Villain?
In this lesson we will evaluate whether Caliban is mistreated and a victim, or whether he is villainous in his own right. We will reflect on his thoughts and things that torment him, as well as how Trinculo and Stephano treat him.
Analysing character in literature: How is Caliban presented?
In this lesson, we will plan and write an essay focusing on how a character is presented through a key extract in the play, before linking it to our knowledge of the whole play so far.
Literacy skills
Please complete the following lessons:
This lesson develops comprehension of incomplete sentences.
In this lesson, we will learn about the difference between direct speech and indirect speech and how to punctuate direct speech correctly.
Monday 25th January – Friday 29th January
The Tempest – William Shakespeare
You will need to have access to the full text of ‘The Tempest’ – here is a link to an electronic copy if you do not have one at home:
Please complete the following lessons:
The theme of hope: Coming Ashore
In this lesson, we will explore Act 2 Scene 1 in relation to the theme of hope vs loss. Alonso is full of sorrow thinking his son is dead, whereas Gonzalo and Francisco offer humour and hope.
The theme of comedy: Trinculo and Stephano
In this lesson, we will focus on the introduction of two comedic characters: Stephano and Trinculo. We will explore the ways in which Shakespeare creates comedy and how these characters present themselves to Caliban.
Literacy skills
Please complete the following lessons:
Incomplete sentences and tense
This lesson introduces the concept of complete sentences.
Fused sentences and capital letters
This lesson introduces the concept of fused sentences.
Monday 18th January – Friday 22nd January
The Tempest – William Shakespeare
You will need to have access to the full text of ‘The Tempest’ – here is a link to an electronic copy if you do not have one at home:
Please complete the following lessons:
The theme of power: Act 1 Scene 2 - Prospero and Ariel
In this lesson, we will start by recapping the important events of the play before reading the rest of Act 1 Scene 2 as Prospero interacts with Ariel. We will then analyse the relationship between these two characters.
The theme of power: Act 1 Scene 2 – Caliban’s Treatment
In this lesson, we will start by recapping the key events from Act 1 Scene 1. We will then explore the theme of power through the exchange between Miranda and Prospero in Act 1 Scene 2, as he reveals their dark past.
Literacy skills
Please complete the following lessons:
Capital letters and irregular verbs
This lesson develops capital letter use and introduces irregular verbs.
This lesson introduces the concept of singular and plural subjects.
Monday 11th January – Friday 15th January
Please complete the following lessons on 'The Tempest' and Literacy skills:
The Tempest – William Shakespeare
You will need to have access to the full text of ‘The Tempest’ – here is a link to an electronic copy if you do not have one at home:
Please complete the following lessons:
The theme of power: Act 1 Scene 1 – A Stormy Start
In this lesson we will read the key moments to Act 1 Scene 1 and explore what different forms of power we see during a stormy beginning!
The theme of power: Act 1 Scene 2: Prospero and Miranda
In this lesson, we will start by recapping the key events from Act 1 Scene 1. We will then explore the theme of power through the exchange between Miranda and Prospero in Act 1 Scene 2, as he reveals their dark past.
Literacy skills
Please complete the following lessons:
Past simple verbs and capital letters
This lesson introduces past tense verbs and how to use capital letters.
This lesson introduces the verb 'to be' and the subject of a sentence.
Please feel free to e-mail me if you need any help with the lessons.
Mrs M
6th January - 8th January
The Tempest - William Shakespeare
Please complete the following lessons:
In this lesson, we will check our prior knowledge of Shakespeare’s world and Shakespearean context. We will then explore some key knowledge around Shakespeare’s context, and also The Tempest.
The plot and themes of The Tempest
In this lesson we will explore some of the key themes of the play before reading a summary of the story and applying these themes to the text.
It might also help to watch 'The Animated Tales - The Tempest'.
Literacy skills
In this lesson, we will learn about the difference between direct speech and indirect speech and how to punctuate direct speech correctly.
Direct speech: Varying Punctuation
In this lesson, we will learn how to vary our punctuation marks in direct speech. We will also develop our understanding of how we can vary our dialogue tags for effect.